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    Don't Throw Your Silica Gel Bags Away: Until You Hear What They Do

    Silica bags are in many products to keep the products fresh and from expiration during storage. Many think Silica Gel bags are toxic. They are right because the silicon dioxide that is contained in the bag is dangerous to consume. Since you are not consuming the silica gel bags, there are other uses for the silica gel bags. Don't throw away the bags until you find out more what silica gel bags can do. They usually contain microscopic white clear or yellow granules.
    The Silica Dioxide will neutralize

    Restore Your Water Damage Phone
    In case you drop your phone in water, you can use the Silica bags to save your water damaged phone. Put a bunch of silica bags around your phone and your phone will dry up depending on the amount of water. The silicon dioxide will dry up the water and you will be able to use yoru phone in know time.

    Prolong the Life of Your Makeup
    Use the silica bags to save your cosmetic products. The silica bags will keep moisture from your cosmetic products. Put the silica bag in your makeup case and the solution for longer lasting makeup is resolved

    Keep Your Clothes Smelling Fresh
    Put Silica bags in your wardrobe. Make sure no one else is going through your drawer. Or you can place your clothes on a shelf and put the silica bags in between your clothes to keep your clothes smelling fresh.  The silicon dioxide will neutralize moisture allowing the clothes to stay fresh. For athletes, you can put a few silica gel bags in your gym bag to retain moisture.

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